An Introduction
There once lived a man named Nicodemus. Amidst the rising tensions and turmoil of his day, there was a growing flicker of something very strange stirring in his town. Talk of a great teacher, who performed many signs and wonders. Like the gentle chatter of birds, stories of his words and acts reached the ears of those in high and low places. Quiet kindling and flickers of light spread across a land whose eyes had only known darkness. Nicodemus decided to seek out this teacher by night, where there would surely be no distractions or pressing crowds, cloaked under the dark midnight sky (John 3:1-21).
Gently, unknowingly, he was welcomed to sit beside God in flesh — who knew the hearts of all men — and discuss the mysteries of heaven. This teacher seemed to know how to answer questions he did not know how to ask. Sitting beside him made his heart burn indelibly.
When was the last time you paused to consider something? To turn aside and take a closer look? It must have been truly captivating or oddly strange to usher this sustained attention and further engagement. There is a reason people sit to study something, like fine art or philosophy. Definitely not out of duty or obligation. It is desire. A desire to discover, understand, grasp, and gain something. To not be left unchanged after a meaningful encounter with something or some discussion of great worth.
The heart of this series of meditations was nurtured from a spirit of inquiry, allure, and desire. A resolve to wrestle for the blessing. A passion and ache of an ineffable longing that drives study. A dissatisfaction of the simple, momentary glance upon something truly astounding — the reality that man can know the living God through Jesus Christ. The cosmic gap between human and divine has now been bridged and reconciled by the one who, in such great love, stepped down into the darkness to wipe the mud from our eyes — giving true sight and new life. The spread of this good news is something in which “angels long to look into” (1 Peter 1:12). This good news has been put in your hands with purpose.
You have been invited to become acquainted with the Living One who delights to ask, “why do you ask my name?” (Genesis 32:29) — pulling one further into a careful diligent inquiry. How fearfully wonderful it is to become acquainted with the unfathomable God! Following this introduction, we will glimpse several portraits and scenes from the living and active word of God. A gallery, or perhaps a window, into remarkable moments in redemptive history. Full of life, animation, and color.
Painting by: Henry Ossawa Tanner, “Study for Nicodemus Visiting Jesus“