About Sparrow
Though the desire to create had always come naturally, the mediums I have been drawn to use have changed over time. Growing up, our kitchen table served as a place to draw, paint, invent, and build things. Our garage walls were filled with every craft and project that my mom would facilitate and hang proudly for years. Now, the kitchen table serves as a place to plan and the garage is filled with saw dust and scrap wood.
An admiration for my Dad’s work ethic and time spent in Grandpa’s workshop stirred in me a desire to make meaningful things with my hands. While taking classes at Rochester University, I began making and selling wooden American flags. My family helped me plan and refine a reliable building process to make assembly efficient as more people reached out, and I enjoyed learning from their different approaches of solving problems and techniques of using different tools. What began as an impromptu project had turned into an opportunity to spend time with family, learn a new skill, reconnect with old friends, help pay for my classes, and raise funds for different ministries.
As time and opportunity allowed, I began creating my own designs and taking custom commissions. This became a meaningful time of growth in skill and character as I began to learn what it meant to build something with purpose, build something well, and build something that will last. I am very thankful for such supporting family who have helped and invested in my passions and many life projects.
God has slowly given shape, vision, and (often unexpected) provision over the years for this small business. Inspiration for the name was nurtured over time from an ever recurring meditation on the glorious truth that the Creator God – who established the foundations of the earth with such wisdom, fixed the mighty mountains by His strength, and calls the dawn to rise each morning — This Creator God knows and cares for even the birds of the air that cry out to Him. How can a man fathom the union of such a great juxtaposition? Divine power and transcendent meekness.
It leads to worship
Creating with purpose
Remembrance as Worship
“I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your works of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is Holy, what God is great like our God? You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the people, the children of Jacob and Joseph.” Psalm 77:11-15
The God who “holds all our times in His hands” (Psalm 31:14) has orchestrated and authored each moment of our lives to the praise of His glory. Throughout scripture, we see God’s sovereign hand throughout all of redemptive history as well as intimately in the lives of His children. One of the motivations behind SparrowWoodworks is centered on the meaningful process of reflecting on the faithfulness of our God who invites us to behold His wondrous works and praise him.
The creative arts are gifts of grace in seeking to live worshipful lives to our God. As C.S Lewis once said, “I think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment; it is its appointed consummation” (The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses). We are made in the image of a God who speaks, creates, and authors beauty. Art serves to awaken and move our naturally dull hearts more deeply with wonder and response to the truth of the message it seeks to communicate.